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Azukhrufy Portfolio

Currently as a software engineer at Neural Technologies Indonesia, responsible to develop ERP System and Collaborates with all of element for implementing advance business solution. Experience in Mobile App development, Web Front End Development and leading an organization. Passionate to learn something new about technology.

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My responsibility is Established JustClick, an ERP based application from NTI as SaaS software, daily task is facing any challenges to create react with module federation micro Frontend


  • ReactJS
  • Micro FE
  • Storybook
  • ERP


    Livigi is an online shopping platform for Muslim fashion, providing a unique and diverse range of clothing and accessories that cater to the needs and preferences of customers from the Muslim community.


    • NextJS
    • WebAnalytic
    • eCommerce


    HRMS is an ERP Application that I developed using Odoo framework, this application facilitates all in one solution for helps the HR on doing its Jobdesk. Plus this app is integration with Attendance Biometric Device


    • Odoo
    • Pyhton
    • ERP


    HRIS is an ERP Application that I developed using Odoo framework, this application is present for helps HR to view and manage the information about HR jobdesk. Plus this app is integration with Attendance Biometric Device


    • Odoo
    • Pyhton
    • ERP

    Musfitatur App

    MusfitaturApp is a mobile application that I developed using the react native framework, this application facilitates bookings about travel, hajj, umrah.


    • React Native


      digiSchool is a website-based application intended for al izhar schools, made with Nuxt JS, this application contains attendance, and eLearning for students.


      • Nuxt Js
      • LoopBack 4
      • Node Js


        eBos is a website for administration and processing of subsidized funds for elementary schools, this application was made using Next JS and Redux Saga


        • Next Js
        • Redux Saga

          Smartfren Kiosk Dashboard

          Kiosk Dashboard is a website for managing smartfren kiosk vending machines, like upgrading the firmware, activating and deactivating vending machines. Built with Angular JS and Loopback 3


          • Angular Js
          • Loopback 3
          • Node Js

            Personal Projects

            Hackernews Clone

            Hackernews Clone is my personal project to implemented the Hackernews API in my React JS Project


            • React
            • Hackernews API

            BMI Calc

            BMI Calc is my personal project during my ios bootcamp with appbrewery on udemy


            • Swift
            • Xcode
            • Cocoapods


            Quizzler is my personal project during my ios bootcamp with appbrewery on udemy


            • Swift
            • Xcode
            • Cocoapods

            To Do App

            To Do App is my personal project during my ios bootcamp with Robert Petras on udemy


            • Swift
            • Xcode
            • CoreData
            • SwiftUI


            Catalogue is a web app for showing product like fashion etc. Build in Next Js


            • React JS
            • Next JS


            • Git

              Experience in develop
              multiple project using Git.

            • Front - End

              Experience in develop Web
              Application using multiple Front End Framework.

            • Python

              Experience in develop
              Odoo using Python.

            • iOS Swift

              Experience in develop
              iOS applications with Swift.

            • API Integration

              Experience in integrate
              API for Web and Mobile App.

            About me

            There is my timeline so far as Software Engineer

            • 2017
              Started my journey as Software Developer, joined Politeknik Negeri Bandung
            • 2018
              Funded Proposal for PKM-KC, with application HoTriv (Hotel with 360 view app)
            • 2018
              Become Head Of MPA HIMAKOM (College Student Legislative Institution
            • 2018
              Finalist of Kompetisi Mahasiswa Politeknik Nasional (KMIPN) e - Government nomination with Pojok Beasiswa WebApp
            • 2019
              Funded Proposal for Pekan Kreativitas Mahasiswa PKM-M, with Polban Scholarship Application Website.
            • 2019
              Started my Internship as Mobile Developer, Created Musfiratur App with using React Native Framework
            • 2020
              Best Final Project for the Informatics Engineering Diploma at Politeknik Negeri Bandung.
            • 2020
              Started my Role as Frontend Developer, Created Digischool App with using Nuxt Js, Smartfren Kiosk web with using Angular Js
            • 2021
              Started my Role as Frontend Developer & Odoo Developer, Involved in HRMS - Odoo, Justclick and Qroi Project with using ReactJS, NextJS, and Odoo, until now.

            Personal Achievements


            Funded Proposal PKM-KC


            Head of MPA HIMAKOM


            KMIPN Finalist in Surabaya


            Leader of Internship Group


            Funded Proposal PKM-M


            Best Final Project on POLBAN

            Azukhrufy Portfolio 2022